Choosing a high school is an exciting – and challenging – process for young women and their parents. We understand the significance of this choice as you look for a school that is a fit for who you are now; stimulates and nurtures you as you advance through your high school years; and will have an enduring effect on the woman you become.
We consider the admissions process at St Anne’s to be a vital part of your journey, and we are here to help you, as a family, to explore everything that we have to offer.
We offer personalised tours that are generally one hour in length and run on weekday afternoons between 14h00 – 17h00 and Saturday mornings between 07h30 – 10h00 during term time. We have a committee of marketing girls who volunteer to take the tours and this gives you an opportunity to meet a current St Anne’s girl and see the school from their perspective. Get in touch to book a tour to see first hand what we can offer your daughter.
Parents/Guardians may complete an Online Registration Form at any time from birth up until 15 March of the applicant’s Grade 7 year.
In the January of your daughter’s Grade 7 year (provided she has been registered), an invitation to continue with the admissions process will be emailed to you. Parents, and their daughter/s, will be invited to attend one of our information evenings, usually held in Johannesburg and around KwaZulu-Natal.
To be considered for enrolment at St Anne’s, applicants must, together with at least one parent/legal guardian, attend a formal interview (approximately 20-30 minutes) with the College Head. They are also required to book for, and write, our Academic Benchmarking Tests (ABTs). These tests are usually held in the first week of May and involve a sleepover for all. A selection committee will ultimately compile a list of girls to whom places will be offered.
The following criteria will be taken into account:
- the applicant’s Junior School record
- a pre-interview questionnaire
- information gleaned from the interview referred to above
- performance in the ABTs
- family connections with St Anne's (although significant, these do not guarantee admission)
- specific talents/interests of the applicant
- specific needs of the College
- the boarding intake at St Anne's, which comprises approximately 60% termly boarders and 40% weekly boarders

We offer three types of boarding at St Anne’s: Day, Weekly and Termly.
Roughly 80% of girls are residential boarders comprised of a majority of Termly Boarders.
Weekly boarding is available to families who live within KwaZulu-Natal.
Day boarders are welcomed warmly and are encouraged to spend most of the day at school to enjoy a full St Anne’s experience.
Financial assistance is available for a limited number of parents who cannot afford to pay the full fees. Application forms are available upon request from the admissions office once your daughter has been registered. Financial assistance application forms for Grade 8 are available from the February of your daughter’s Grade 7 year and should be submitted by mid-April of that year. These applications are assessed by a separate committee which works independently from the Admissions Committee. Financial assistance is awarded based solely on financial need.
The St Anne’s Board supported a proposal that, from 2015, the College no longer offers any scholarships. The money is used to fund financial assistance which is allocated on the basis of financial need.

Contact the Admissions office, either verbally or by email, to establish whether or not an application should be pursued. If an application is made, please submit the following documents to the Admissions office:
- a Registration Form and proof of registration fee payment
- the applicant’s latest full end-of-year report
- any subsequent reports
- the applicant’s CV (not more than two pages in length)
- a covering letter from the applicant’s parents outlining their reasons for considering a move to St Anne’s.
The application will then be assessed for possible addition to the waiting list.